- It takes 1 tone of rose petals to produce 300gr of rose essential oil...
- When we peel citrus fruits, the scented liquid that squirts out of the peel is essential oil.
- Essential oils can be found in various parts of a plant, including the seeds, bark, root, leaves, flowers, wood, resin, etc.
- Essential oils are not oily, they are aqueous and highly volatile. The designation of oil is due to their hydrophobic property, which gives them an oil-like behavior.
- The same plant can produce different types of essential oils, depending of the part used for extraction.
- The word "perfume" comes from the latin per (through) fumum (smoke), that originally referred to incense.
- Egyptians used a scented cone in the head that slowly melted and perfumed their bodies.
- Egyptian Queen Cleopatra used a sleeping pillow filled with rose petals and scented the sails of her ship with natural aromatics, which she also used as personal fragrance.
- Humans have about 6 million smell receptor cells and can distinguish, approximately, 10.000 different odors.
- Without the sense of smell (anosmia), we wouldn't be able to differentiate flavors. Think of when you have flu, or try to taste ground cinnamon, while closing your nostrils between your fingers.
- Memories that include odors, are usually more intense and emotionally stronger.
- Many fragrances used today in room deodorizers, perfumes, cleaning products, etc., are 90% synthetic in origin.
- Unlike the synthetic medical drugs commonly used, essential oils, when correctly used, don't cause side effects and don't leave toxic traces in the organism.
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